Thursday, September 14, 2017

Baby Steps

There is no getting around the actual fact - I do not seem to have the wherewithal to actually sustain writing a blog. One, or another thing keeps worrying me from writing it. Either it is a case of me worrying about writing something that is already talked about to an exasperating extent, or it is my worry that I am not going to bring in anything fresh to a discussion, or it is my worry that I might offend someone I know. I have also been telling myself in the meantime that I don't have time for all this.

Amidst all this worry, my frustration of not writing stuff keeps bubbling up. Earlier, I seemed to have had one or other form of expressing myself, like a bunch of friends I used to talk to regularly. Time, space and geography doesn't give me that luxury anymore. I didn't even realize it was one before. Then, there is the other end to this problem: when you actually put it on a forum, the number of things that can be misunderstood seems to be, frankly, more than what you are actually trying to say.

But, nothing can be as consoling as pouring your thoughts into a space you trust, so, why deny myself that pleasure? So, I am not going to.

It will probably be short, meandering in the content even, but it is going to be here. And hopefully, this renewed energy will keep it sustained.

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